Kozminski Business Hub

Business process automation is a topic well known to entrepreneurs, especially medium and large ones. The field is constantly evolving, with global trends and the latest EU directives reinforcing the changes to come. Businesses that want to remain competitive will be forced to strive for maximum digitization and automation in order to operate in this new reality. Available technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data processing operations are just the tip of the iceberg of possible solutions.

kozminski research and consulting gray blue


Our realizations cover the complementary and continuous course of professional implementation of these processes into a company. The automation cycle thus combines human factors, processes and technology, and automation itself consists of 4 key phases:

Sample implementation


Project aim

Implement an effective project and investment management system in the organisation.


know how

Original state

Lack of standardised methodology and definition of a unified project management system.



Streamline the project management system with a complementary methodology, implement a tool to support the implementation of all projects and training.

Lider produktowy

Elwira Pyk

Elwira Pyk

  • Ekspert (doradztwo strategiczne – marketing internetowy i automatyzacja procesów marketingowo-sprzedażowych)
  • Dyrektor zarządzający (ClickMyAdsy)
  • Kierownik Studiów Magisterskich Zarządzanie w Wirtualnym Środowisku w ALK

Contact us!


ul. Jagiellońska 59
03-301 Warszawa

NIP: 1132925416
