Kozminski Business Hub

Discover new growth opportunities with Kozminski Impact Booster

“Kozminski Impact Booster” jest współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki 2021-2027, Priorytet FENG.02 Środowisko sprzyjające innowacjom, Działanie FENG.02.28 Startup Booster Poland – Smart UP.


Program oferuje wsparcie finansowe, mentoring i udział ekspertów technologicznych. Planujemy przeprowadzenie 5 rund akceleracji w podziale na ścieżki: branżową z Odbiorcą Technologii, inwestorską z Funduszami VC, międzynarodową Go Global oraz Sector-agnostic. Finansowanie otrzymają 42 startupy. Celem programu jest wsparcie innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw w komercjalizacji, pozyskaniu finansowania, ekspansji zagranicznej oraz podnoszeniu gotowości rynkowej i technologicznej.


Całkowita wartość projektu 16 179 645,00 zł, dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 14 848 940,00 zł

Apply and gain up to PLN 400,000 in funding to develop your startup!

Kozminski Impact Booster is a prestigious support program created for young, innovative companies aiming to achieve success on the market. Our project is part of the Startup Booster Poland program funded by the European Funds for Modern Economy, which supports the dynamic development of startups in Poland. 

At KBH we have been creating and implementing innovations for business for years. We provide strategic and organizational consulting, show companies how to automate business processes, and the core of our activities is to boost the development of Polish startups. That’s why we are happy to become one of the operators of the program. 

Apply for Kozminski Impact Booster, receive a high grant and grow under the wings of Kozminski Business Hub experts.

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you understand that you need other forms of support in addition to funding to grow your business? We have created this program for you if you have a readiness for challenges, a head full of out-of-the-box ideas, and combine all of this in your startup business. 

And if you’ve been following our activities, you know that we’re betting on young high-tech and positive impact companies. As part of the Kozminski Impact Booster, we will support your impact solutions. 

The program allows startups to apply to one of four tracks. During each round, you can participate in the recruitment of three paths. Each time to the Industry track with a Technology Recipient and to the Investor patch with a VC fund, during three rounds to the Sector-agnostic track, during two rounds to the Go Global track.


Funding of up to PLN 400,000

Under the program, startups will receive significant capital to help them develop their product, scale their business and expand into new markets.

Access to a network of business contacts

The Kozminski Impact Booster program enables you to establish relationships with key market players and potential business partners. This is not only a chance to attract new clients and customers, but also an opportunity to negotiate favorable contracts and investments.

Mentoring from experienced experts

Participants in the program will participate in one-on-one mentoring sessions led by industry leaders, investors, and specialists in various business fields. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable guidance, feedback, and inspiration.

Support in business development

In addition to financial support, program participants will also receive professional advice on business strategy, marketing, human resources management and other key areas of the business. Our team of experts will provide assistance tailored to the development stage of your startup.

Keep reading to learn more about each path

We also assume that as a result of acceleration, at least:

42 startups will receive financial support in the form of grants

5 startups will receive support for sustainability transformation activities

5 startups will pursue accelerator program in path with Investor

25 startups will pursue accelerator program in path with Technology Recipient

6 startups will pursue accelerator program in the GoGlobal path

6 startups will pursue an accelerator program in the Sector-agnostic path


Runda I Timeline

Runda I


październik 2024

listopad 2024

grudzień 2024 - maj 2025

czerwiec 2025 - sierpień 2025


Join the Kozminski Impact Booster and turn your dreams into real business successes!
Choose a path and apply for the current edition of the program

How recruitment works?

Recruitment for the Kozminski Impact Booster program will be conducted through the Application Form on the dates announced in the Schedule.

The content of startup applications will be evaluated by a committee of experts. The recruitment process includes formal evaluation, content evaluation of the Application Form and content evaluation during the pitch session, during which startups will present in detail their solutions and concept for cooperation with a business partner.

Based on the evaluation from the entire recruitment process, the winners of the round will be selected to participate in the Kozminski Impact Booster Acceleration Program.

Details of the recruitment process are defined in the Terms and Conditions


What acceleration is like?

We have four acceleration paths planned for the Kozminski Impact Booster program:

  1. Industry with Technology Recipient
  2. Investor with Investment Funds
  3. GoGlobal related to foreign expansion
  4. Developmental titled Sector-Agnostic

Each accelerator path offers support and opportunities tailored to the needs and goals of different startups, in cooperation with relevant partners such as VC funds, foreign academic institutions or industry companies. The accelerator paths are structured according to a similar, though not identical, model and include stages:

Pre-acceleration, which begins with a session of meetings to determine the needs of the startup, the resources required, the work schedule, and to establish the Individual Acceleration Plan, the acceleration budget and the scope of the grant agreement.

Acceleration, that is, the implementation of the plan, budget, and schedule including, in particular, Milestones – individually designed for each startup. Detailed rules of Acceleration are included in the Grant Agreement. At this stage, each startup will receive the support of a startup mentor, experts and advisors with practical knowledge of the fields and industries in question, and will work closely with a Business Partner, foreign or ecosystem partner. Acceleration will last for a maximum of 6 months.

Post-acceleration is the final stage of the program. It is designed to maximize the project results achieved by the startup as a result of acceleration and ensure the continuation or expansion of development activities. It is not a mandatory stage, but a recommended one that lasts a maximum of 3 months after the end of acceleration.



During ventures, we collaborate with experts from the Kozminski Business Hub community, as well as with mentors from Partners dedicated to a specific path.


Have a question about Startup Impact Booster? 

Don’t hesitate to contact us via dedicated e-mail!


Updates about the program