Kozminski Business Hub

The second edition of the EcoCraft Hackathon has resulted in additions to Minecraft that will help the game spread green values to its many players. Teams ready to program a well-functioning plug-in took part in the 24-hour challenge. Of course, there was no lack of fun and attractive prizes.

The second edition of the EcoCraft Hackathon has resulted in additions to Minecraft that will help the game spread green values to its many players. Teams ready to program a well-functioning plug-in took part in the 24-hour challenge. Of course, there was no lack of fun and attractive prizes.

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Competitive struggle around a meaningful goal

The Kozminski Business Hub, in partnership with Microsoft, Bank Millennium and TAURON, organised a hackathon dedicated to the game Minecraft for the second time. The participants’ task was to create a plug-in that would add ecological elements to the game and hence focus the attention of the gaming community on environmental issues. 

Teams of several people joined the challenge, qualified to participate on the basis of a recruitment task. An introductory workshop was held before the 24-hour part of the competition began. 

On 23 June, the main part of the Hackathon began. Participants had to develop a concept and implementation plan for their plug-in within a day, using the programming languages Java and Python. While working, teams were able to benefit from mentoring support to refine their concepts to perfection. Three elements of the teams’ results were assessed:

the creation of a plug-in concept during the event,

the value of promoting an environmental idea 

the ability to implement the plug-in into the game.

Mentoring support for the event was provided by the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre and the Stanisław Lem Institute for the Future of Poland. Stanisław Lem Institute. The entire Hackathon was held in an online format.

These projects impressed the Jury

First they solved the recruitment task brilliantly, then they amazed with their plug-ins – three teams were awarded in the EcoCraft Hackathon.

I place

First place went to the EcoMak team, receiving a prize of 5000 PLN. The winning project introduces Pollution Points into the game to motivate players to care for the environment. Players’ non-environmental decisions will be reflected in the Pollution Points they receive. The more of them, the worse the living conditions in the game environment will become. The highest possible number of Pollution Points received makes it impossible to continue playing in a damaged world. 

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II place

Second place was awarded ex aequo to two teams: VerdeCraft and Giga Blocks Incorporated. The prize for both of them is 3000 PLN. 

The VerdeCraft team created a plug-in that firstly introduces the issue of pollution resulting from CO2 emissions into the Minecraft world, and then proposes ways in which this pollution can be avoided, for example by producing nuclear energy. The plug-in attaches elements related to the construction of a nuclear power plant to the game, such as a uranium fuel cell, a uranium reactor, water turbines and more. With this plug-in, players also have to reckon with the negative consequences of their non-environmental actions, such as melting ice, fires and perceived nausea. 

The Giga Blocks team has developed a plug-in that implements a pollution system and associated heating systems. The plug-in is based on a pollution map. Data collected from the player’s actions is collected and presented in the form of a heat map, which can be scaled and represented in the game. Heat islands and their negative effects, such as smog, nausea and annoying heat, can be reduced by environmentally friendly actions. Players are thus encouraged to plant trees and grass, use alternative energy sources such as solar panels. 

Judging panel

The reports and final presentations of the Hackathon participants were assessed by a jury composed of:

Aleksandra Przegalińska-Skierkowska KU

Magdalena Trzynadlowska Bank Millennium

Jolanta Domirska TAURON

Mariusz Jurczyk TAURON

Maria Andrzejewska UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre

Borys Jastrzębski KU

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What's next?

The awarded teams now have until the end of August to code and implement their solutions. For this stage, the organizers have planned a prize pool of PLN 21,000. In Krakow, on September 13, they will be officially handed out accompanying the Stanisław Lem.

I was extremely pleased to represent Bank Millennium at this special event. Sustainability issues are crucial to our organisation and for years we have been conducting various activities in the broader ESG field. We also know that education and awareness-building are particularly important in this area. We appreciate the concept of building a plug-in for Minecraft all the more, as there is probably no better idea for education than to combine it with fun.

I am impressed by the projects prepared by the participating teams and wish them good luck in the next difficult stage, in which the designed solutions will be implemented said Magdalena Trzynadlowska, Director of the Sustainable Development Office at Bank Millennium


The EcoCraft Hackathon connects ALK’s technological ambitions with our sustainability plan and our investment in ventures and partnerships that, through emerging technologies, increase knowledge and commitment to the SDGs Prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska-Skierkowska Vice Chancellor for International Relations and ESR, Kozminski University


Every event that promotes technology and puts people and fundamental values at the centre, which is undoubtedly climate transformation, is worth supporting with the authority of our patron Stanisław Lem, which is why we decided to support the organisation of the Hackathons summarised Dr Maciej Kawecki from the Stanisław Lem Institute for the Polish Future. Stanisław Lem

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